Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Wedding Beauty and a Prayer

    Take a look at the pictures of Julie and Richard's St. John's island wedding captured by the professional photographer. They are AMAZING. Wow. And I thought The Husband and I had a decent camera. My humble Canon cannot hold a candle to whatever this guy was using. He's the real deal.
     This is my favorite. Can you guess why?

 My prayer for each of you is that the Lord will be your strength and your guide.
And that you will learn to have confidence in and to rely upon the love that the Lord has for you...
That you will find healing, comfort, and peace in the company of each other.
That you will laugh often
And forgive easily
That you will give one another the freedom to grow and change as individuals
That you will each be the best friend the other has ever had or will have
That you will make time often just to be together...without words
That you will find a joy you have never known before and that you will share that joy with others
 And when the hard times come...
that you will hold fast to the vow you made before God to love one another for as long as you both shall live.
Rest assured, it won't be easy. 
The good things in life never are.
But it will be worth the journey.
So worth the journey.

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