Friday, July 1, 2011

Come By and Sit a Spell

  Southerners know what a good porch is. Open to the breezes. The slap of bare feet on painted wood floors. Fans twirling lazily overhead. A couple of comfortable rockers. A couch or maybe even a bed. Lots of pillows. Places to curl up and read or stretch out and relax. Some ferns. Some flowers. A dog bowl.
   My porch is my idea of heaven. I designed it a hundred times in my head before I hired the person who actually drew up the plans for me. There were a few of my great ideas that didn't translate well to actual design, so they went the way of dust. Everything else turned out almost exactly as I thought it would be. Except for the cost. That one set me back a bit.  I worked a few extra years to pay for this beauty, and I don't regret even one of the many many many pennies it took to to build it.
   Nearly every single day I walk outside and go "Ahhhh." It may not be your cup of design tea, but it sure is mine. Here's some porch love, The Mom style:

I found this old wicker in a consignment shop and kept my eye on it for a long time. I also prayed that it would not sell until I had a place to put it. Then I prayed that they would lower the price. 
Suffice it to say that God was good.
The porch has three distinct areas with varying ceiling heights to delineate the spaces.
Obviously the space above is part of the dining area. I bought the wood table at our local Habitat store and use mismatched chairs that I picked up here and there.
The white wicker and this table anchor the other end of the porch. That door in the background
 leads to our bedroom. We can enter the porch from the house via the den or the master bedroom.
The stacked stone fireplace is a beautiful focal point. 
We draw the sofa up closer for a "winter" furniture
arrangement where we love to cuddle up with blankets
 while we toast our toes and our marshmallows.

View from one end to the other
Looking the opposite way

   I told you I was serious about making this porch a relaxing place.
This little Victorian bed frequently calls my name. I love to nap here or curl up to read a favorite book.

Now you see why my porch is my Happy Place!

Thanks to the Baby Sister for her photography skills!


  1. This was my favorite place on my visit. Coffee in the morning and then family gathered around for supper. The weather was perfect and the porch is the best place for loud laughter and fun conversations! I am amazed at the feel of "being in the country" and not the city! Loved it!

  2. I would like to come and have a retreat on your porch. It is beautiful and you are right--a slice of heaven!

  3. Oh my, now you've added to my list of why I must come to Nashville. Love this, love you.

  4. Beverly...we are planning to have a BBB reunion next spring in Nashville! Details to come! :)

  5. I see why it calls you! It's beautiful :)

  6. Looks beautiful. I love the bed. More the Merrier Monday will be open until Wednesday at midnight. I would love for you to stop by and link up your space.

  7. I love your southern porch...just lovely and so inviting:)

  8. Wow, what a beautiful porch! I love the fireplace and the wicker is wonderful. This is where I would be spending all my spare time. Thanks for joining the Open House party!

  9. How gorgeous~ your porch is so charming and pretty- I love the fireplace!! Thanks for sharing at Feathered Nest Friday! :)


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