Monday, April 16, 2012

Easter Lovelies

   Easter for us is a time to gather with extended family. While my own children (with the exception of the youngest son) were with their respective spouses' families, it was a joy to have members of my husband's family and my precious nieces (all five of them!) with us to celebrate the Risen King!

"Don't watch, they are hiding the eggs!

Waiting with great anticipation for the Easter Egg Hunt to begin!

   This little one is not quite sure what to do!
 Her big sister shows her how to get the job done!
 Who doesn't love a baby on a hip?!
 This niece is a pro! Check out that basket!
 This little one knew just where to look to find the most eggs!

 This little chickadee was not far behind!
 Meet the youngest member of our family, precious Elsie!

  "My basket is heavy, can you help?"
    It's tiring watching all of the action...
 With no grandparents left, we enjoy having The Husband's lovely aunt and her husband join us, especially since she makes the best fruit tea in Nashville!
 Uncle Bob enjoying the beautiful day!

  Later in the day, Little One made an appearance to have her own special
 Easter Egg Hunt. Uncle Bear made the day by hiding and re-hiding the eggs for her!

 Uncle Bear and The Daughter lend a hand
 "Stickers! Look, my egg has stickers in it! Yippee!"

It was a perfect way to end the day...

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