Monday, March 26, 2012

The Princess and the Bride

    I have a new aunt. I call her Aunt Betta. She is married to my Uncle BoBo. I love them both very much. They make me smile. I was the princess at their wedding.
Aunt Betta gives the best hugs

But Uncle BoBo gives the best kisses
Here is Nonna. She helped me get my fancy dress on 
and took me to see Aunt Betta
Oh my, I have never seen a bride before

         I think Aunt Betta looks beee-uuuu-teeee-ful, don't you?

You might think I was a flower girl, 
but I know that I was a princess. 
Aunt Betta told me so.
This is my Mommy. I love her smile.
She is the best Mommy in the world.
  I think every Bride should have a princess by her side, don't you?

By the way, there was also a little boy in the wedding with me. 

We had jobs. Important jobs.

We had to walk down a very, very long pathway called an aisle.
He carried a pillow with a ring on it. 
I carried a ball made of flowers. 
I liked my ball better than his pillow. 
I could twirl it around on my arm.

  He is four. I am two. He wanted to tell me what to do. 
It didn't really work. I did my own thing.

All I can say is that it's a good thing 
that I got to be the princess...
because another little person is coming to live 
at my house at the end of the summer. 
I don't think I will get to be the princess much longer 
after that little baby gets here. 
But Nonna and Pappy have told me that I will 
always be their princess. 

At least somebody has it right.

all photographs were taken by the amazing Amber Beckham:


  1. Awwwwww, beautiful photos...beautiful family! Congratulations! xoxoxo

  2. I came to visit your blog to give myself a sweet treat to as I begin at the beginning of a special weekend. I am delighted with the richness your pictures and words. Thank you.


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