Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Oh Happy Day!

Once there was a boy.

Who fell in love with a girl who made his heart sing.

He asked his brothers and her brothers and their friends to stand up with him as he pledged his life-long love and commitment to her before the throne of God above.

She asked his sister and her friends to stand up with her as she pledged her life-long love and commitment to him before the throne of God above.

There was a precious little flower girl who twirled and skipped and ran down the aisle ahead of her soon-to-be Aunt Betta into the arms of her Uncle Bo Bo.

There was an equally precious little ringbearer who slowly walked down the aisle and solemnly presented the ringbearer's pillow to the minister

Family and friends gathered in the beautiful and magnificent old church

    The name of the Lord was lifted high.

There was so much joy it could scarcely be contained.

I wasn't the only one who was crying happy tears. 
It was a happy and holy day.

           And of course, you have to leave such a wedding in style...

There was a great party afterwards. There will be more to follow about that. I promise.

And at the end of a great day, there was a very tired, but gloriously happy new Mr. and Mrs....
I did not take a single one of these pictures, but I know who did: the amazing Amber Beckham.
Check her out at amberbeckham.com. She is the bride's cousin and is an incredible photographer!
Thank you Amber for capturing this very special day for all of us!

1 comment:

  1. Love, Love, Love the Love! You can see so much of it in these many faces. Congratulations to all! Shannon


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