Saturday, February 4, 2012

Super Bowl Fever

    The Husband is at the Super Bowl once again. He leaves town every year on the Friday before the big game and heads out early so that he will not miss out on any of the attendant festivities. And trust me, there are many. He is in hog heaven. In the weeks before the game, he spends hours pouring over maps and researching where all of the different activities will be. He will have his game face on for three solid days. He will not sleep, and he will only eat ballpark food.
     I, also, am a happy clam because I will be joining our friends for annual Super Supper Bowl and watching a movie with the women (or almost all of the women because out of the crowd that gathers there are two women who actually prefer to watch the game.) But thankfully, it is the kind of gathering that lets you do whatever floats your boat. So I will be watching a movie. Some of you are groaning. Even though I have been fortunate enough to attend three Super Bowls myself, it is not exactly my cup of tea. I don't appreciate the full experience that pro football affords its many fans (The Husband included). The NFL season is just too long and my team always seems to fade in the finish. So plenty of food, a vintage movie, and the company of old friends suit me just fine.
   Each of us is charged with bringing a couple of appetizers or some other delectable treats for the group to share. That's why I call it the Supper Bowl...we begin about five and we graze and we graze and we graze until we are all wishing we had not eaten so much. Then after the National Anthem is sung, most of the women tromp upstairs and sprawl out on the big comfy bed or the floor to watch a movie. It's the best part of the evening. The room is dark and the movie is usually something 99% of us have never seen before. It's a tradition. It began nearly thirty years ago and has been going on ever since. We started when our children were babies. Now our children have children of their own.
   Some of the people who come are folks I only see one time each year. But I look forward each year to greeting them and sharing the evening getting caught up on what is going on in their lives. This Super Bowl Party is one tradition that is familiar and comforting, and besides, it is a great way to spend a Sunday evening that has apparently become a national pastime....(even though I think that's supposed to be baseball.) But in our family, the great American pastime is the Super Bowl or the Super Supper Bowl...take your pick!
   Thankfully, these are foods that I absolutely and categorically know we WON'T be eating on Sunday!
Cheese curls and rice krispie treats? And those little summer sausage goalposts?
Ummm...not for me!

Last time I counted there were too many men on the field
Oops, this one deserves a big penalty. 

I confess this looks totally nasty to me.
Stale bread and warm deli meat.
Besides, I keep wondering who has handled all this food
and how long has it been out of the refrigerator?
No worries, somewhere the men will eat it...

all photos were found here

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