Tuesday, October 11, 2011


   The Daughter's friend and immensely talented photographer, Holly Everett (katherineholly.com/blog), was in Nashvegas last weekend and had a session with The Daughter, Little One, and the Son-in-Law. I have kept my mouth shut about these pictures. They terrify me. But apparently I am the only one that feels this way. Little One, The Son-in-Law and The Daughter think that this is great fun. I am slightly mollified by the fact that the Son-in-Law ran track at Auburn University where he was a decathlete. He has great hand eye coordination and strong arms. I am glad, at least, for that.
    Little One is apparently fearless. I don't think that bodes well for the future. I guess that's what prayers of grandmothers are for.

photo taken by the incomparable katherineholly.com

1 comment:

  1. These are the GREATEST pictures! I think she has alot of her great Aunt JuJu in her! LOVE them and the precious Little One!


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