Tuesday, August 16, 2011

A Rare and Precious Gift

    It is a rare and precious gift to be able to share the core of your faith with someone you love deeply and then watch as they unfold like a flower under the blessing of God's love. I will never forget that night many years ago that my Baby Sister called me. I could not tell who she was. The pain and the tears she had already shed made that familiar voice unrecognizable. I immediately knew that something was wrong. I won't share the circumstances here because it was a deeply hurtful time for her, but let's just say that one sister had the incredible privilege of leading the other sister into the throne room of heaven where both knelt as one received the Grace and the Mercy that God so freely bestows.
   She was a different person from that night forward. The change in her life was palpable and real. And no, the pain of her circumstances did not vanish, but she had come to the fount of every blessing, and there she found the strength to life each day while ever growing in her wisdom and understanding of the Lord. I admire this sister. As a young woman she faced adversity head on, and she did not run away. She kept pressing in to the Lord and He kept pressing back, as He ever so faithfully conformed her to His image.
She's the Munchkin on the right!

This time she's in the middle and yours truly is on the right!
She and our Momma huggin' each other!   
  She is beautiful to me. When I look at her I see God's glory all over her. I see healing and redemption. I see freedom of forgiveness and the joy of broken bondage. No, she is not perfect, but she is as surely as the day is born, God's precious child. Oh and by the way, this is the day that she was born! Happy, Happy Birthday, precious Baby Sister! Never doubt that you are a rare, precious and very beautiful gift to God and to all who know you!

That's the Baby Sister sharing a bowl of yogurt with Little One!
Happy Birthday, Sister of Mine!

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for my own "special post"! What a joy to share our earthly lives and even our eternal lives together! I love you my forever sister, my forever friend!


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