Friday, August 19, 2011

A Fond Farewell to Summer

   In the summer we do casual dining. It's a sometimes crazy mix. This week my Bible Study girls came over for a pot-luck salad supper. We ate on the porch, and I set the table. A couple of the girls laughed at the incongruity of the table setting, but hey, it worked for me.
    These are the elements I combined:
A somewhat faded or shabby chic blue and white vintage tablecloth 
I had starched the heck out of as I tend to find that starch will always disguise a multitude of sins!
Square white plastic plates from a party supply store
that were designed to be DISCARDED during clean up! Yay!
Blue linen napkins 
Please notice that the blues don't quite match the tablecloth, and I prefer it this way!
Stainless steel silverware right out of the kitchen drawer
Sterling silver goblets 
Yep, you read that right! 
My rationale: who doesn't love the coldest water imaginable on a hot summer day? 
And the best way to get that is to drink it out of a silver goblet! 
Besides, silver goblets also add that timeless touch to any table.
Wooden flower holders from Urban Outfitters
Short candlestick votives: Two dollars apiece from Harpeth Antique Mall

See for yourself that it all worked together!

   But next to the girls themselves, the best part of the gathering was the delicious food. Here is a glimpse of some of our culinary delights!
Caprese salad with red Beefsteak and golden Roma tomatoes
That ole Southern standby: deviled eggs
Bread? You always have to have bread!
Hence the homemade pizza!

Here's my plate before I took the first bite!
Now, isn't that gorgeous!
Hope you are enjoying these last few weeks of summer!


  1. yummo on the lunches, bet the company and conversation was THE BEST! and pretty table you set up!

  2. This looks so fabulous! I wish I could have been there. Your food looks so magazine-worthy! I'm amazed. Thanks for linking it up to Fab Friday. Please come back again next week.

    Warmly, Michelle


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