Monday, July 4, 2011

4th of July Food

   I turned my Baby Sister on to Pinterest. I think we are both becoming addicts. Today I was "pinning," and I found all kinds of food ideas that combine some elements of red, white, and blue, and a few that don't. It seemed appropriate to share them today. Happy 4th of July, and happy eating with family and friends! I, for one, am thankful and glad to be "Born in the USA!"

Source: via Kathy on Pinterest

These last three are because I could not help myself! They are in order: Strawberry Nachos with Chocolate; Caprese Kabobs; Raspberries Stuffed with White and Dark Chocolate Chips. Yum Yum!

1 comment:

  1. I love the caprese kabobs! As soon as my tomatoes are ready, I'm definitely doing this treat- envisioning the perfect bring to a picnic salad!


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