Saturday, June 18, 2011

Time for Some Etsy Love

Vintage Silhouette and Sheet Music Wedding Paddles

    As duly noted, the weather here is abominably hot. We are headed to Memphis tomorrow to attend a special wedding where we are slated to have cocktails on the veranda post ceremony. I think I am going to need one of these to get me through. This along with some alcohol should do the trick. But then again, wine always makes me perspire. I better keep it real: I'd like to think wine makes me perspire, but alas, it makes me sweat. Somehow I think I'll just have to suffer through. If interested, you can find these vintage silhouette fans on sheet music HERE! 
   I do know that everyone is sooo over wall decals of any kind, but, nevertheless, I find these a bit whimsical. They would be fun to discover tucked in an odd, but out of the way location. And since I am a bird lover of the first order, these little turquoise birdies might have to find a home in my house. I am thinking perched on the wall above the baby crib. Little One would be delighted and Little Two might be inspired to pull herself up to take a look. And best of all, they are bargain priced at...gasp...five dollars! I am in! You can be a copy cat if you want and purchase them HERE!

I am really too old to play with dolls on my own, but you can bet that with two granddaughters, dolls will be a part of my future. I recently discovered these handcrafted wool felt and linen dolls by Leilalou of France, and they are so oooh laa laa, don't you think?! I would like one, two or three. Enough for Little One, Little Two and Nonna to each hold when we have our tea parties. I am almost certain I won't want to share mine. And besides, they are about as far from Barbie as you can get. Thank goodness. She is better left in my long gone past.
Little Leila - Made to order

1 comment:

  1. I didnt know you were planing an etsy post! I just opened my shop for the summer:


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