Saturday, June 16, 2012

Some Deliciousness

    There is nothing better than brunch on the porch. Laid back family style. With all of the Southern food groups represented. Bacon. Grits. Sausage. Eggs. Big yeasty sweet rolls. A warmed-up yummy Almond Ring from Merridee's. A big bowl of fresh fruit. Fresh squeezed orange juice, cold milk, and a fresh pot of coffee! Good food. Lots of laughter. But the best part is not the food, it's always the family. Children and grandchildren. It's what The Husband and I love best!
This needs no explanation. I fried up a pound and a half and it was still not enough!
My grandmother Lou Lou's grits recipe...slathered in butter, of course!
Merridee's Almond Ring
Breakfast on the porch
Little One and Little Two diving in! 
Little Two says it's time to explore!

Uncle Bro Bro helps Little One into her favorite tree

Concentration is required
Little Two and her precious Momma
Pappy has the cheese part covered!
And who says you can't have an ice cream sandwich to finish off your breakfast?! Looks good to me.

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