Friday, June 29, 2012

Praying Scripture Over Your Children

   Before each of my children were born, I asked the Lord to lay a scripture on my heart for each one...a verse that I could pray during the pregnancy that would also have significance for all of their lives. It turned out to be something that was and continues to be a source of great blessing...not only to me, but also for each of my children, as well. As soon as they were old enough, I taught each child his or her verse and always referred to it as "their" special verse. I also told them how that particular verse came to be chosen and shared with them how I would pray the verse over them before I ever even saw their face. Even now as adults, my sons and daughters will still talk about their verses and reference them in regard to something particular. One son recently launched a new business, and his dad and I reminded him of the importance of his verse at this specific juncture in his life.
    Thankfully, my children are carrying on this powerful tradition with their children as well...something that warms my heart as a parent and gives me incredible joy. Little One can almost recite her verse word for word at two and a half; Little Two is a bit too young at 18 months, but each of them have verses that I am confident will have great meaning and significance in their lives. It will be exciting to see how the Lord "performs" His word as these little ones grow and mature in him. God is faithful indeed. The verse below is part of the reason that I felt compelled by the Lord to seek a "life verse" for each of my babies when they were still in the womb. I longed then and long now to see His steadfast love and His righteousness displayed to my children and their children...from everlasting to everlasting!
4935717021 0357fcea35 z The Steadfast Love of The Lord
Here are the verses that were chosen for my children when they were but babes in the womb.

 The graphic of the 1 Samuel verse lacks the next verse which was of critical importance to me so I will add it here...."For this child I prayed and the Lord hath granted me the petition which I asked of him. Therefore, I have given him to the Lord; as long as he liveth he shall be given to the Lord."

For a short time I served as a foster mother for a baby girl many years ago. This is the scripture that I prayed and still pray for her.

     I also refer to these scriptures as the "key" to my children's hearts. As I have spoken these scriptures aloud over the years, the Lord has revealed specific ways to pray for and encourage each child. I have stood back in awe as I have seen His hand at work. Soli Deo Gloria. To God Alone Be The Glory.
     Ask the Lord to put a scripture on your heart to pray specifically for someone you love. It is a prayer that He longs to answer, for after all, He has revealed Himself in His word. He is the Word, the precious Logos ..."for the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we have beheld His Glory..."


  1. Thank you for your blog :-) I googled verses to pray over children and that's how I found you. May God bless you and thank you for the encouragement. I needed the reminder of how living and active the Word is.

  2. Bless you, and your family! This is a very inspiring post. Thank you for sharing. Our Father is so faithful, and He does speak! And He just spoke to me, through you! Praise Him!


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