Thursday, May 17, 2012

Rain for Roots: Katy's Story

Something must be up because The Daughter is back for a post!

I long for my children to know God, to experience His love, and recognize their need for a Savior. I long for them to bask in His light and love. I hope it is not a distant knowledge of a God way up in the sky rather a relationship with a God that would sacrifice His own Son to be close to humanity, to you, to me.

I personally love how music is a pathway to experiencing God. The beauty of lifting our voices to the Almighty is a powerful thing. It is truly precious.

I want my children to know how precious this gift is -- singing to our Lord and singing of our Lord. Let's be honest here, where do I find music that is on my child's level but does not bring my sanity into question? Most children's music is either over-produced or so cheesy that I can only try to listen to the entire product knowing that I will toss it after that initial experience.

I sat down with a dear friend, Ellie Holcomb, to discuss this dilemma. I gently, maybe not so gently, urged her to start making music that I could share with my own child. She mentioned that some "talk" was happening amongst her music community. She teamed up with some other dear folks (Sandra McCracken, Flo Paris, Alice Smith, and Katy Bowser) and came back with the product below:

Head over to Rain for Roots to buy it (for only $8!) and enter 'truelove' for a 10% discount on the album (that makes it $7.20!), available to all my readers!

Please listen as this product is a keeper! Music that will take you and your children to the feet of Jesus so you can bask in His justice, mercy, and love. What a treasure!

I also am leaving you with some sweet words from Katy Bowser about this special project (if you want to hear from the other gals who worked with Katy view the links at the bottom of this post).

1) Which is your favorite song or Story's favorite from the CD? Why?

I wrote the music to Baby Moses while rocking my baby daughter Story to sleep, so it is truly a lullaby!  I still sing it to her almost every time I rock her before she goes to bed, and she asks for it.  "BAY-beeee. BOOOAT."  It's a wonderful reminder to me, too, like all of the songs.  I often sing this thinking of God rocking me in His arms, as well, God who knows just what a baby (and her mama) needs.

2) What memory do you hold dearest from this process? Any funny details/stories about the recording process?

 It was truly special for Sandra McCracken, Ellie Holcomb, Flo Paris, Alice Smith and I to take Sally Lloyd-Jones out to our favorite neighborhood cafe and talk to her about the possibility of this project.  She immediately felt like a friend, and there are so many little moments that I treasure from talking that afternoon.  Sally talked about how often when God is doing something, it feels like a treasure hunt, like following bread crumbs as we watch and listen to what He is doing.  Is it any wonder she writes stories that big and little people love, when she talks like that?

As for funny details, this is the first project where I've recorded with my daughter literally at my feet or in my lap. You may notice some additional background vocals throughout the recordings. My husband Kenny Hutson played a number of instruments.  This truly felt like a family project with Kenny, Story and the rest of our extended family of friends.
3) What inspired this project?

I think Alice Smith that it came together over cups of tea.  I have a kid's jazz project called Coal Train Railroad.  Ellie Holcomb called me up with the thought that perhaps I could also be writing scripture songs for little ones, and I had begun to do just that. Meanwhile, Flo had begun to do the same thing, Alice was excited about the thought, and Sandra and I had started to mull the thought over.  Big thanks go to Lisa Rohrer, our friend, for saying, "Have you seen Sally's Hug-A-Bible?"  It was the perfect starting point.  It does such a wonderful job of saying big ideas in little words.  God is the One, the Hero.  From here, we plan to put melodies to scripture.  We want to tuck lots of very true truth deep down into the hearts of little ones.  I've never forgotten the little scripture songs I learned as a child, and I want to help make many more of them for many children to hear.  I can think of few better ways to love the church in the coming years.

4) Who are the kiddos that sing along in the recording?  

All of our little ones.  Whoever was feeling gregarious, musical or just very much wanted to be very near their mama when we happened to be recording. These are the hazards and rewards of being a musician's child.

Anything else we (the listeners) should know about the project?  This is the beginning.  We've been so delighted, amazed at the unbelievable word of mouth thus far.  This feels, as Sally, said, like we're just following the breadcrumbs and watching a very good Story that God is telling unfold.  What a joy to join in!

Read Ellie's Story at Designs by Stephie
Read Flo's Story at Nala's Photography
Read Sandra's Story at Life: Edited
 Read Alice's Story at The Musician and the Geek

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