Friday, March 2, 2012

Little Two's Big Adventure

   Let's go fly a kite....Nonna didn't have a kite, so we did the next best thing: we went on an adventure in my very own yard. The weather was balmy. Nonna rolled my sleeves up so we could get down to business.  We started out in my favorite place: the front yard swing.

Then we went on a nature walk. My legs are still short so we didn't go too far. 
But I made some important discoveries. The neighborhood botanists should take note.
First there was a large stick.
Nonna said that it was way too big and insisted that I throw it down.
 I could tell that she meant business. 
When she gets that look in her eye, there's not much you can do.
I personally thought that it was a very important scientific discovery,
but she wasn't buying it.
 Then I spied a much smaller stick. I think this might work. 
It's from a dogwood tree or so Nonna says.
I held it up for her inspection. Nonna approved.
Then we moved on to the flower bed. I like flowers. 
Like any good botanist, I do a careful observation.
First I squish the flower. Then I shake it. Then I smell it. It seems like the right thing to do.

 Then I decided to see how dirty I could get. That was the best part.

 Where to next?

 Gosh, there's so much to see.

 Who knew my own front yard had so many treasures!
If my yard is any indication, it's a great big wide world out there!

1 comment:

  1. Made me smile and reminded me of our sister, Cindy with all that dark hair and chubby cheeks! Sorry Cindy, but it is true! What a wonderful way to spend the day and just let them 'play and get dirty"!


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