Thursday, October 13, 2011

The Future is Bright

   Little One is definitely a drama queen. No doubt this is intensified by the fact that she is days away from turning two, but aside from that, the girl definitely knows how to play to the audience. She runs a personal meet and greet service. "Hi, I am Eloise," she says to everyone who will willingly make eye contact with her, and that's a lot of folks. She also does the happy dance with happy feet whenever something pleases her (and that is quite often), and communicates her disatisfaction with equal ease and equanimity. The girl also has a sense of style; daily she insists on picking out her own clothes and her own accessories from head to toe. The Daughter had me howling when she told me that Little Miss insisted on wearing her new snow hat with the braids from H&M to school on a day when the temperature hovered near 85. It was the perfect accessory.
    Here are a few pics of the girl all dressed up for her trip to see "Disney on Ice." Of course, she loved Minnie and Mickey and has not stopped talking about them nonstop. And I do mean nonstop!

     Our other granddaughter, Little Two, is a budding Picasso. She is attracted to strong vibrant colors. The Husband and I are already among her collectors, and we are currently displaying a piece of her art in our home. Her teachers testify to the fact that she loves to finger paint and gets into it so much that they have to strip her down to her diaper on art days. I love it. She brings such intensity to everything she does. She is focused and determined and is not easily deterred. I am also loving the fact that she is learning to say my name and to mimic my standard greeting, a loud Yoo Hoo!

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