Monday, October 3, 2011

The Changing Face of Little Two

  Little Two is almost eleven months and her delightful personality is rapidly emerging. She is curious, interested in everything going on around her, and is keenly observant. She loves to greet everyone who comes in the door, and they have dubbed her the class president at her day school. However, she can also be stubborn and every once in a while she breaks out in a roar, but she is still largely a happy baby and her smiles and chuckles are some of the best in the world (spoken by a true grandmother, of course). Her parents had a wedding to go to on Saturday night, so Little Two came to spend some time with us. It was pure delight. The only problem is that after her meal and bottle she was plum tuckered out and nearly went to sleep in Pappy's lap. Alas, she could not even make it to seven o'clock. Our time with her seemed all too short. Here's a look at this precious little gem of a granddaughter. Don't you just want to hug her and kiss her?! Trust me, we do just that!

1 comment:

  1. I saw this picture and my first thought was how much she is changing already. She looks so much more "toddler" and less "baby" with her hair growing out. Precious :)


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