Friday, September 2, 2011

Prayer and the Nature of a Friendship

Source: via Kathy on Pinterest

I am praying for a friend today. 
We have been friends a long time. 
Thirty-three years to be exact. 
That's a lot of water over and under the bridge and so many memories.
She has been there through it all. 
We raised our babies together. 
We cried together. Laughed together and even screamed together. 
We saw our daughters get married and my sons, too. 
Now we are playing with granddaughters.
We buried a best friend. That was really really hard.
In the course of our friendship, I have been a great friend, a terrible friend, and a so-so friend.
I wish that weren't true, but it is.
I love my friend deeply, but I don't always tell her so.  I am rectifying that today.  
I love you, Boo and always will. 
The good news is that since we both love Jesus we will "always" be friends!

I am also very thankful that His grace is enough. For friendship. For life. Forever.

Source: via Kathy on Pinterest

1 comment:

  1. You & your friend are blessed to have each other. There's nothing like a "kindred spirit"! Thanks so much for sharing this at my Fab Friday linky party.

    Warmly, Michelle


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