Friday, September 16, 2011

A Love Gift

    The Husband gave me a wonderful gift for our anniversary. He took me to see Yo-Yo Ma. Live and in person. As the evening approached, I was so giddy I was like a child in a candy store. It was everything I had thought it would be. Arguably the best cellist in the world, Yo-Yo Ma brings my favorite instrument to life, and he does it with passion, exuberance and a joy that is contagious. So after convincing The Husband that, for me, seeing Yo-Yo Ma was the equivalent of the Masters, the Final Four and the Super Bowl all rolled into one-- an analogy he completely understood, off we went. Since he would rather be at a football game or a rock concert, I know that this was a true gift of love. Here's to Yo-Yo Ma and a magical evening I will never forget.

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