Monday, September 26, 2011

Definitely Not A Sucker

   I'll take supporter over sucker any day. By implication, a sucker is someone who is easily deceived or taken advantage of in situations from which others benefit. No doubt, I have been a sucker. But not this time around. I gladly buy the following products or services because doing so constitutes a form of support I readily endorse. So here are a few of my favorites. Love 'em or don't bother. It's your choice. Just know that I am not a sucker...I like what I get for my money along with the mission behind the product!
My first pair of Tom's
If you can't find a store that carries Tom's in your area, you can buy them
online: They give you a flag, a sticker and a shoe storage bag when you
buy your Tom's. It's like going to the dentist and getting a prize when you leave!
     I do love the premise behind Tom's (you buy a pair and they give away a pair to a child in need), and if you don't have a pair of these ultra-comfortable shoes, you need to march right out and get some. They remind me of the espadrilles I wore in the seventies. Some folks think that they are ugly. I personally believe that they constitute a form of retro-utilitarian-chic. Besides, I am too old to buy shoes that don't feel good on my feet. Been there and done that. No Jimmy Choos for me. I'll admit that Tom's are a bit pricey for the construction at $50 plus, but put them on your feet, and they soon feel like the bedroom slippers you used to scrounge around in during the high school years. 'Cept now you are cool. If you see me around town, chances are that I'll be sporting my new black plaid Toms with a touch of red. Of course they go great with my mom, no, make that "grandmother" jeans!

     These two women, Gwen and Suzanne, are unbelievably passionate about adoption, and if you have never heard of the organization, 147 Million Orphans, you can read all about their calling here: They sell super soft t-shirts and great clutches and tote bags and so much more on their website. And everything is for this fabulous cause: helping orphans. I personally know one of the women (Gwen Oatsvall) who is behind this movement which started with a little seed that has quickly grown into a giant oak tree. Her personal testimony and ministry of love are amazing, and I am honored to count her and her husband, Scott, as my friends. I gladly support anything that Gwen and Suzanne put their hand to...I respect the vision that God has called them to that much. And besides, who doesn't love that great little clutch?!
147 Clutch Bag147 Red Mayvall BagTil They Are All Fed Bracelet

    Who wouldn't want to help a woman in Africa create a sustainable business by buying one of her handmade scarves. And they are lovely, to boot! Take a look at the vision behind the non-profit fashionABLE here: You can start your Christmas shopping now and give a gift that is not only practical, but also carries with it a specific purpose and fulfillment of vision. Each scarf also comes with a handwritten note from the woman who made it and includes her name.
Etanesh Blue Grey

So why not give something this year that has a purpose and meaning? Trust me when I say that it will take gift-giving to a new level to know that you are blessing someone with your purchase (and not just the recipient of your gift!) And besides, all of the above purchases are guaranteed to warm your heart, as well! It's totally a win-win!

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