Thursday, August 4, 2011

Thirty-Seven Years Old

 Thirty-seven years. 
That's the age of our marriage. 
Sure sounds like a long time. 
It is.
In this age of drive-by marriages followed by drive-by divorces, our marriage has aged well. 
The Husband and the marriage are keepers. 
Even today, when I hear the words to our song, 
"Could It Be I'm Falling in Love," by The Spinners, 
I still smile and say yes. 
I know it's corny, but I can't help myself!
Here's our secret to a marriage with longevity: 
Lots of forgiveness, lots of falling in love again,
and lots of clinging to the Lord when it all seems to be going downhill! 
Oh, all that and the ability to laugh at oneself!
Happy Anniversary, Honey. 
I am pretty sure I would marry you again today.
Nope, make that very sure.


  1. Congrats! I love to see it when the number of anniversary's get higher and higher. I loved the day I watched my great grandparents dance at their 65th wedding anniversary:)

    Thanks for joining our Mingle With Us Blog Hop.
    Amanda Joy

  2. Happy Anniversary! What a beautiful picture. I hope y'all enjoyed celebrating together!

    I just wanted to thank you for all the wise, insightful, encouraging comments you've left on my blog posts. I always glean so much from what you write. :) Thank you for taking time to do so.



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