Saturday, August 27, 2011

   It's The Husband's birthday. It always comes at the same time every year (smile) and usually falls during the last blistering gasp of summer, but wonder of wonders, yesterday we woke up to cooler temperatures. I am thankful. At least we won't be sweating to death on the porch tonight as we gather for dinner to celebrate and bless this good man.
  While there are many things I like and love about the man I married thirty-seven years ago, these are my top ten tonight.
1. His loyalty and integrity are paramount.
2. He is totally committed to me and to our family.
3. His faith in the Lord has grown by leaps and bounds during the course of our lives together.
4. If he has your back, he has your back.
5. He is willing and open to change.
6. He stands by, up, and for what he believes.
7. He works hard and has learned to play hard, too!
8. He has an adventurous spirit.
9. Stability and strength are hallmarks of his character.
10. He is always seeking the opportunity to encourage, minister to, and bless others.

I am glad that we still have fun together!
Happy Birthday! I love you!

1 comment:

  1. I don't think I say this enough, KATHY WHITE you are an amazing women, wife, mother,friend and SONshiner! I love you dear friend. ED WHITE HAVE A WONDERFUL BIRTHDAY,YOUR BEST PRESENT IS YOUR PRECIOUS WIFE


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