Tuesday, August 30, 2011

     I am thoroughly enjoying my new financial venture. After years of weighing the pros and cons, I have finally opened a booth in an antique mall. To stock my space, I have cleaned out closets and gotten rid of an odd assortment of things that have gathered dust and taken up space far too long in my own home. Some are even thirty-seven year old wedding presents that have never been used. Despite my inclination to hold onto things that were gifts once given with the best of intentions, I finally decided that if I haven't used the thing a single time in thirty-seven years, odds are that I won't be using it anytime soon. And since no one gave me a cane or a walker, I am safe in putting these items up for sale.
    I have also begun to venture outside my own four walls and search further afield for items to sell. Some days I feel like a pirate with a treasure map that is nothing but a deadend. And other days I find the booty almost immediately. This entire process has definitely been a learning curve. I have been hot, sweaty and bothered plenty of times, but I think I am still having fun. The Husband is convinced that I have gone off my rocker. He might be right.
   Oddly enough I feel a little like a storm chaser. Except that instead of storms,  I am chasing the elusive bargain. And not just any ole bargain, but a bargain that will sell! I am finding it's a little like gambling. Art Linkletter said that "People say the darndest things..." I would add that "They buy the darndest things, too..." Seriously, there doesn't seem to be any rhyme or reason to what people will buy.
   I recently purchased about 15 vintage handkerchiefs from the 1940's to put in my booth. I got very excited about them, but when I showed them to the sweet ladies at the front desk, they didn't share my excitement. They simply shrugged their shoulders and told me what they thought I should ask for them. I guess vintage handkerchiefs are pretty run of the mill in the antique business. But they are not run of the mill to me. Searching for validation, I spent some time on my favorite website, Pinterest, and of course, found all sorts of fun things that you could do with vintage handkerchiefs. I got so inspired that I am even having to argue with myself to leave them in the booth. So I am doing the next best thing, I am passing along some of that inspiration to you.
   First up is a lovely pillow made from a vintage handkerchief. I have one that looks almost exactly like this for sale in my booth!

Next up is this divine quilt. I am fascinated by it. I don't think I have quite enough handkerchiefs available to complete it, so you will have to find another source in addition to mine, if you are going to make this!

Source: None via Kathy on Pinterest

And this idea would allow you to use your little treasures again and again!
photo from The Mother Huddle blog
I also have some lovely pieces of milk glass in my booth. If you are planning a party, take a look at what you could do with some humble milk glass.
picture from Eddie Ross
inspiration board from Every Last Detail blog
    The next time you are in Franklin, come and see me at the Harpeth Antique Mall. I am Booth B-1 (Feather Your Nest!) If I am not there, I am probably at the Goodwill or shopping in one of my secret haunts that I cannot divulge because you just might get there first!

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