Wednesday, July 6, 2011


     I basically stole this idea from my sister. She posted these pictures about memories we shared. They made me so nostalgic that I thought I might cry. I cannot wait to introduce Little One and Little Two to some of these delights.
     The best thing about going to a grandmother's house are the things that you do there that you don't do anywhere else.
     Like having ice cream for breakfast. (Shh...don't tell our Momma.)
Source: via Julie on Pinterest

   Slathering your body in as much Jergen's lotion as it can take. Mama Julia kept it on the back of the toilet and never said a word about the quantities of lotion that we consumed. I still buy the original scent because it reminds me of her.
Source: via Julie on Pinterest

    Vacation Bible School at the First Baptist Church in Opp, AL. I remember lining up outside in rows by age on the tree shaded walk (sadly, the big oak trees are long gone) and marching in with our banners for the morning assembly. With great gusto, I sang "This is My Father's World" and "Fairest Lord Jesus" although I was always off-key. I also memorized lots of scripture for sword drills and even earned a Ten Commandment bracelet that I wore with great pride.

    Donuts for breakfast, donuts for lunch, and by all means, donuts for dinner. All washed down with the obligatory glass of milk. My grandfather, Daddy Dewey was part-owner of a bakery, Zeb's Cake House. Zeb's was known for the most amazing donuts known to man and the donut man was none other than my granddaddy. I think my sisters and I would agree that Krispy Kreme cannot hold a candle to Daddy Dewey's donuts.  Now, if I could just come up with that recipe...

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