Thursday, June 16, 2011

God's In His Heaven....

     Yesterday we had a 40% chance of scattered thundershowers, and it stormed off and on all day. Go figure. I always think that God gets the last laugh with the weather, and this time I am happy He did. Even though my friends who got their cars pounded with hail and those who lost power due to the lightning strikes might think otherwise. But this is what I woke up to. If felt like a world made new. The birds are singing, the cicadas are finally back into their thirteen-year hibernation cycle (hallelujah!) and everything looks fresh and beautiful. Cleansed. My heart is extraordinarily happy today. The storm clouds have rolled away, and I am basking in the beauty and the glory of a new day.
   The LORD is my strength and my shield;My heart trusted in Him, and I am helped; Therefore my heart greatly rejoices, And with my song I will praise Him. Psalm 28:7

   Did I mention that it also helps that there is very little humidity; the temperature has dropped 8 degrees and the entertaining went well...! Even more reason to rejoice in God my Savior! Wouldn't you agree?

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